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Project 1.


  1. “Human Emergency Detection during Autonomous Hospital Transports” (Arxiv)
    • Authors: Andreas Zachariae, Julia Widera, Frederik Plahl, Björn Hein, Christian Wurll
    • 2023, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference IAS-18
    • Best paper candidate of IAS-18, 2023 in Suwon, Korea
      ⯈Abstract Human transports in hospitals are labor-intensive and primarily performed in beds to save time. This transfer method does not promote the mobility or autonomy of the patient. To relieve the caregivers from this time-consuming task, a mobile robot is developed to autonomously transport humans around the hospital. It provides different transfer modes including walking and sitting in a wheelchair. The problem that this paper focuses on is to detect emergencies and ensure the well-being of the patient during the transport. For this purpose, the patient is tracked and monitored with a camera system. OpenPose is used for Human Pose Estimation and a trained classifier for emergency detection. We collected and published a dataset of 18,000 images in lab and hospital environments. It differs from related work because we have a moving robot with different transfer modes in a highly dynamic environment with multiple people in the scene using only RGB-D data. To improve the critical recall metric, we apply threshold moving and a time delay. We compare different models with an AutoML approach. This paper shows that emergencies while walking are best detected by a SVM with a recall of 95.8% on single frames. In the case of sitting transport, the best model achieves a recall of 62.2%. The contribution is to establish a baseline on this new dataset and to provide a proof of concept for the human emergency detection in this use case.
      ⯈Citation @misc{zachariae2023human, title={Human Emergency Detection during Autonomous Hospital Transports}, author={Andreas Zachariae and Julia Widera and Frederik Plahl and Björn Hein and Christian Wurll}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.08359}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO} }

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